Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sister Smack

You know those friends you make and you don't even know how you became such good friends it just sorta happens? well that's how Kara and I became friends. We became besties i think mostly due to talking about boys haha and figuring out our problems with them.  Now she's one of my best friends and i love her so much. At school we had sleepovers, workout sessions, study sessions, and nights out on the town (if you can even call Rexburg that). We would skype all the time durring our off tracks at BYU-I while she was in Boise working her tail off and while i was in Utah. She called me the day of the October conference with the news that she would be going on a mission! it fit her perfectly. she knew right then and there that was what she was supposed to do in her life and i couldn't be anything but ecstatic for her!! She's been busy preparing ever since and this weekend of the 17th i went to her farewell in Boise. She is going to the Anaheim California mission, American Sign Language. Kara will be an amazing missionary and she is beyond ready to leave to the MTC on the 19th. I'm incredibly proud of her and love her dearly. She has been a part of many memories of 2012: which i blogged about some Here and Here.
 i can't wait to write Sister Smack soon:)

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