I came home right after i finished finals for Marissa's wedding. It was a great reunion of friendships!
The next day one of my best friends since 2nd grade gave her farewell in church. She did awesome! So mature, ready and willing to do what the Lord has asked of her.
I came back to Rexburg to finish up the semester by just playing all day! a group of us went to Rigby lake and later I said goodbyes to many friends then FINALLY our whole apartment was together. I doubt you recognize how much of a miracle this is!! The whole semester we all did our own thing pretty much all the time, or just a couple of us would do things together. Even at night we weren't always all there. Someone was either working, with their fiance or gone home. It was cray all semester. But the last night we made it happen. We climbed a roof of a church and had fun under the stars and the beautifully full moon. These girls are awesome and i love them all so much. I'm always blessed with the best roommates and friends and I thank Heavenly Father all the time for such blessings. I've met inspiring people and made some pretty amazing friends here at BYU-I.