Saturday, January 18, 2014

Jackson Hole Hockey

Bucket List:

  • Hockey Game
Yep! I crossed that off last night. Hockey is so intense the whole time and the best part is that you can be right up on the glass where the action is! I still don't know all the technicalities and rules but hey i have time to learn. I went to Jackson Hole on a date and with a group of friends. So fun. It was the Jackson Hole Moose hockey team. Best part?? i got a souvenir....the puck! Ty was kind enough to offer it to me and i wasn't going to say no!
You know how some people make bucket lists but they're either unrealistic or their too unmotivated to really make it happen? well i love that mine isn't either of those. I'm taking care of business and really doing things on my bucket list. This isn't the first one to be marked off and i know it won't be the last thing to mark off this year. Im always up for suggestions for things to put on my list so if you have any life experiences you think i need to experience, do share:)

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